Every day I hear people talk about what they want. I hear people say they want to have a better job, a better education, a better anything. I can understand waiting to get a new house or a new car until you save money. That is just being smart. When it comes to other things that we can work on now why do we wait? It drives me crazy. I hear people say, “I will quit smoking as soon as I finish this pack.” I tell them that they will never quit. That may sound harsh but it’s true. If you are not willing to throw that pack away then you will never quit. When someone says they will start training Jiu-Jitsu with me at the first of the year I can guarantee that one of two things will happen. They will either never show up or they will be gone by February.
Achieving your goals is a way of life. It is a mindset that you have to develop. It starts with little things and then it just grows into who you are. Make a decision today to not drink anything with sugar in it for one week. Just seven days of not drinking sugar. It is a start. Don’t wait, start right now as you read this. Then next week set another goal and then another. Before long you will be a person of action.
Years ago there was an incident in California that went something like this. A car wreck took place on a bridge. One of the drivers was a huge man and the other was a small woman. The large man was upset and grabbled the small woman and started beating her. What stood out was that there was a large crowd of people around watching this poor woman get beat up. Out of hundreds of people no one stood up to help her. Our world is full of people unwilling to help, unwilling to act, and unwilling to do anything now.
Let me encourage you to start today. One small thing at a time can completely change your life. You can do it now, so why wait?

Excelsior means even higher. Always strive to be better today than you were yesterday.